The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires each Local Area Workforce Development Board (WDB) to develop and submit, in partnership with the chief local elected official (CLEO), a comprehensive four-year plan. Comprehensive Four-Year Plans were submitted in May 2020.
In North Carolina, annually, each Local Area WDB, in consultation with the chief local elected official, is to provide updates to the Comprehensive Four-Year Plan. The WIOA Program Year (PY) 2023 Plan is to provide current information and be effective July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, and will include required current local policies. The Local Area Plan will support the alignment strategy described in the 2020-2024 NC Unified State Plan in accordance with WIOA Section 102(b)(1)(E), and otherwise be consistent with the NC Unified State Plan.
- MAWDB Adult Dislocated Worker Service Provider List
- MAWDB Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth Work Experience Policy
- MAWDB Board Members
- MAWDB Bylaws Required Elements Crosswalk
- MAWDB Bylaws
- MAWDB Certificate.Regarding.Debarment – signed
- MAWDB Competitive Procurement Policy
- MAWDB Conflict of Interest Policy
- MAWDB Consortium Agreements
- MAWDB Customer Flow Chart
- MAWDB Eligible Training Provider Policy
- MAWDB Equal Opportunity Standards and Complaint Procedures
- MAWDB Financial Management Policy
- MAWDB Incumbent Worker Training Policy
- MAWDB Individual Training Account Policy
- MAWDB Monitoring Tools
- MAWDB NCWorks Career Locations
- MAWDB On the Job Training Policy
- MAWDB Organization Chart
- MAWDB Policy Transitional Jobs
- MAWDB Policy WIOA Monitoring Oversight of LA Subrecipients
- MAWDB Priority of Service Policy
- MAWDB PY23 Plan
- MAWDB Signatory.Page – signed
- MAWDB Supportive Services Policy
- MAWDB WIOA TAA Co-enrollment
- MAWDB Youth Committee Members
- MAWDB Youth Program Elements Chart
- MAWDB Youth Service Provider List
- MAWDB.Certifcate.Regarding.Debarmen esigned
- MAWDB.PY23.Plan.Update_Signatory.Page-esigned