Our Business Services Team is ready to work in partnership with your organization.  Your workforce is your biggest asset and the array of services we can provide, at little to no cost to you, ensures you are recruiting, screening, assessing and training your employees effectively.  Whether you are a new employer to North Carolina, or a well-established business with deep roots, our staff will work closely with you, get to know your unique business needs so that we can make recommendations and help you create a plan to reach your workforce goals.

In addition to helping you find and retain talent, we have staff certified in Economic Modeling who can help you make sense of the latest Labor Market Information for our region and state, and help you understand how your business and industry is being affected.  Timely labor market data and information, along with an explanation of the trends can make a significant difference in the day-to-day operations of your organization.

Business Services staff can travel to your place of business to consult with you and provide services, and they will also guide you to the wealth of resources available through NCWorks Career Centers and NCWorks Online.


Generally the “bricks and mortar” Career Centers are locations aimed at job-seekers to get them started on their job search, as well as offer training and skills assessment and development.  However, these locations also provide services to businesses in cases where the services can not be easily accessed through NCWorks Online, or in cases where you want some guidance from staff at the local centers.  Following is a sample of services available through NCWorks Career Centers:

NCWorks Staff Assisted Candidate Recruiting, Screening, Referrals and/or Virtual Recruiter Services

  • To personally post your job opening, go to NCWorks Online.
  • For staff assistance with posting your NCWorks job opening, call (828) 920-6670.
  • Customize the online application process to meet your needs.
  • Get rank ordered lists of qualified candidates based on how well their skills match with your job’s requirements.
  • We provide customized skill assessments for your top candidates (basic math & reading, office software skills, customer service, mechanical aptitude, career interests, personality and more).

NCWorks Career Center Employer Interview Day

  • Career Centers provide office space, training rooms and a computer lab for conducting interviews, information sessions and training.
  • Call (828) 920-6670 and ask about scheduling employer interview days.

ARPA Work-Based Learning Grants for Incumbent Worker Training

  • For small businesses with 3-25 employees.
  • Train your current workforce in key skill areas to grow your business.
  • Get grant funds up to $25,000 to upgrade the skills of your employees.
  • Our professional staff will guide you through the concise application process.
  • Call 828-231-6611 to ask about Incumbent Workforce Grants.


  • Work-based training for occupations requiring high-level skills and technical knowledge.
  • Consists of on-the-job learning, job related education and progressive wage scale.
  • Completion earns employees a journey level worker credential that is nationally recognized.
  • Read more about Apprenticeships here.
  • Call (828) 244-7279 and ask about Apprenticeships.

NCWorks Veterans Services

  • NCWorks Career Center staff assist employers by referring qualified veterans seeking employment.
  • Assist employers with understanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for veteran hires, and assisting veteran’s with disabilities.
  • A regional veteran’s representative is available to assist employers in in finding qualified veteran job candidates.
  • Read more about veteran’s services here.
  • Call (828) 920-6670 and ask for the Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER).

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

  • Federal tax credit for employers who hire new employees with employment barriers from various priority groups.
  • Employers can receive a tax credit of $1,500 – $9,600 per employee.
  • Read more about WOTC here.
  • Call (828) 920-6670 and ask about the Work Opportunities Tax Credit.

Federal Bonding

  • Offers individual fidelity bonds to employers for new hires who may otherwise be denied employment because of criminal record, poor credit history, history of alcohol or drug abuse, lack of employment history, dishonorable discharge or other reasons.
  • Free bonding service is available at NCWorks Career Centers.
  • Read more about federal bonding here.
  • Call (828) 920-6670 and ask about the Federal Bonding Program.

Rapid Response for Business Layoffs and Closures and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)

  • NCWorks Career Center staff assist employers with the process of transitioning affected workers who have lost their jobs (or may lose their jobs) as a result of business layoffs and/or closures.
  • Affected workers can obtain information about: re-employment assistance, skills training and credentials, unemployment insurance and numerous support services.
  • Read more about Rapid Response services here.
  • Call (800) 562-6333, (919) 813-0323 or (828) 920-6670 and ask about Assistance for Employers with Layoffs and Business Closures.


The Board offers an extensive menu of services for businesses in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison & Transylvania counties.  These services include:

  • Job Order Fulfillment – recruitment, screening, assessment and referral of qualified job candidates.
  • Incumbent Workforce Grants for small businesses – up to $25,000 to train existing employees.
  • Workforce/Economic & Labor Market Data Analyses – customized reports.
  • Point of contact for business information and services available in the region.
  • Rapid Response Services for business layoffs, closures, openings, expansions and mass hires.
  • Assistance with posting open jobs through NCWorks Online.
  • Employer Interview Days.
  • Regional job fairs.

Most of our services are available at no cost. For more information, please contact the Mountain Area Workforce Development Board’s Business Services Representative at (828) 251-7457 or (828) 251-6622 – ext. 1142.



339 New Leicester Hwy, Suite 140 Asheville, North Carolina 28806-2088
(919) 251-7473

Connect with Mountain Area Workforce Development Board

339 New Leicester Hwy, Suite 140 Asheville, North Carolina 28806-2088

