The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires each Local Area Workforce Development Board (WDB) to develop and submit, in partnership with the chief local elected official, a comprehensive four-year plan. Four-Year Plans were submitted in May 2020.
In North Carolina, annually, each Local Area WDB, in consultation with the chief local elected official, is to provide updates to the Comprehensive Four-Year Plan. The WIOA Program Year (PY) 2022 Plan is to provide current information and be effective July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 and will include required current local policies. The Local Area Plan will support the alignment strategy described in the 2020-2024 NC Unified State Plan in accordance with WIOA Section 102(b)(1)(E), and otherwise be consistent with the NC Unified State Plan.
- CPS 01-2022 PY22-23 Local Plan Instructions _Final
- MAWDB ITA Policy_8-2021.rvs
- MAWDB Local Area Incumbent Worker Training Policy
- MAWDB Monitoring.Tools.PY19
- MAWDB Policy Statement OJT Policy
- MAWDB Policy Transitional Jobs
- MAWDB PriorityofService.Policy.for.WISE
- MAWDB Self Attestation Policy
- MAWDB Supportive Services Policy
- MAWDB WEX Policy
- MAWDB WIOA Youth Program Elements
- MAWDB Youth Committee Meeting Schedule
- MAWDB_Org Chart PY 2022
- MAWDB_OrgChart2022
- Mtn.Area Consortium.Agreements
- Mtn.Area EO Complaint Greivance Procedure 2016
- Mtn.Area.Buncombe.Co.MOU-IFA.w-Attachment.3
- Mtn.Area.Bylaws.Approved.May-2020
- Mtn.Area.Financial.Management.Policy
- Mtn.Area.Henderson.Co.MOU-IFA.w-Attachment.3
- Mtn.Area.Madison.Co.MOU-IFA.w-Attachment.3
- Mtn.Area.PY22.Certificate.Regarding.Debarment.etc.
- Mtn.Area.PY22-23.Plan.Update.Signature.Page
- Mtn.Area.Service.Flow.Chart Career Centers
- Mtn.Area.Transylvania.Co.MOU-IFA.w-Attachment.3
- Mtn.Area.WDB.Membership.Listing.Updated.1-28-22
- Mtn.Area.Youth.Committee_eff.8.2.2021
- NCWorks Career Center System Form
- PY21 WIOA MAWDB Adult and DW Service Provider List
- WDB By-Laws Required Elements – Crosswalk